914-429-3876 [email protected]

In the wake of the challenges of a global pandemic and societal upheavals, Executive Director, The Very Rev. Dr. Jay Speights saw the need to restore the temple services online, to provide an uplifting, and safe space for people around the globe to receive spiritual support. We have continued our presence as we aim to build a compassionate and loving community.

Led by ministers of diverse faiths, backgrounds, and callings, there is a shared vision of a “come as you are and as you believe” interfaith approach. We continue to offer services, workshops, and circles led by TNS alumni, students, and the temple team!

The Interfaith Temple is the ordaining body of The New Seminary and we welcome in new associate ministers and graduates each year.  Rev. Dr. Samora Smith (’08) is the acting Temple Director and Rev. Dr. Maven Eve (’20) is the Minister of Technology, Along with current seminary students, alumni, and special guests, we celebrate the unique gifts and talents of what this diverse and talented community has to offer.  The services and events include music, poetry, heart-centered readings, guided meditations, kinship, and compassionate messages. The temple offers  Circles of Love (bereavement, relationships, prayer, intention, etc.) and empowering workshops offered by Associate Ministers and seminary students.

To learn more about our current offerings please visite our website and join the mailing list. To view recordings of past services, please click on this link.



Contact us at (914)429-3876 to begin the enrollment process.
